August 24, 2010

Mummy Blogs...

I'm in love with Mummy Blogs... could be because I feel like it's an easy way to interact with, or even just observe other mothers.  Whether it be to read that others have the same issues, or to see just how creative you can be with a baby, I'm just in love with the Mummy/Mommy blog.

I plan to add to the ever growing list of Mummy blogs when I find ones I really love, but for now here are just a few...

A definite favourite is ( I feel as though the writer is reading my thoughts sometimes, scary but awesome at the same time. Suddenly Susie has a sense of humor - and anyone who has a small person running, crawling or even lying still in their house knows that having a sense of humor can be more important than oxygen, or even coffee.

The Melbourne store Bebe has a great blog too with loads of contributors. I loved this post about Mother Guilt. You can buy some of their awesome stock online too.

Then there's Babyccino Kids which is a blog contributed to by mothers from the UK, Australia, America, and Europe.  Of course this one is usually about cool stuff rather than common mother drama!

Babyology is an Australian site but again more about stuff, but I like it nonetheless!

This one ( is pure genius, and is simply beautiful. It makes me wonder why I/we didn't do something similar. And in a way reminds me of that youtube video of the baby's pictures for their whole life.  The pictures in this post are from the Mila's Day Dreams blog.

For those who haven't seen the youtube video I mentioned above, here is "A Year of Lex". Cool, right?

And while we're on Mummy Blogs, babble released a list of the 20 worst You-Tube parents. I kid you not. Don't watch the one about the kid getting an x-box for Christmas... or the one about the roller coaster - they're just awful. In fact all of those videos are awful in different ways. Awful.  On the upside I am an amazing mother!

I'll leave it there for now, but if you're after more Mummy blogs check the blog roll at the bottom of the page - many of them are Mummy blogs.

Happy Reading!

xo S

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