April 13, 2010

Rainy Day?

Another rainy day in Washington... Not to worry we have lots and lots to do!

First up is orgainising photos for books and sharing from our wonderful holiday/vacation to Santa Fe, the Grand Canyon and the many other places we were lucky enough to see along the way! We took a few too many, so it is going to take a while to sort through!

While I was away last week my copy of "Making Things: The Handbook of Creative Discovery" (recommended by the blog Made By Joel as a great place for hints and tips on making things) arrived so we have a book full of things to make and do. I must begin to save up some items for a craft box. Incidentally, Made By Joel's post on the 2 April featured an adorable little paper city complete with templates to download and print, so you can make your own paper city.

And another purchase, as recommended by my sister in-law - Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld arrived. So I think we'll be making brownies with spinach today! Or maybe I'll be hiding cauliflower in some Mac and Cheese for dinner... I am thinking I might start cooking my way through the book Julie & Julia style.

I picked up my books very cheaply on A1 Books. The total including postage for both was around $14.

Yesterday I saw the most adorable fish condo on Mamista and am seriously considering getting little O a little fish - especially as my husband was not so keen on the frogs I came across last month. The Condo is available from Unica Home which is a site full of cool homewares if you feel like a little e-window shopping.

The soy crayons I wrote about sometime ago are now available at The Pajama Squid - as are the paints and modeling clay.  So once the weather clears up, I'm heading to the store in Takoma Park to get some modeling clay!

Take care & stay dry,

xo Sam

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