September 28, 2010

The ultimate cubby house?

I didn't have a cubby house growing up... probably because we moved around so much. 

Or possibly because I have always had a short attention span so best my parents didn't buy something I'd play with for five minutes.  I guess it's a good thing then that we weren't (and aren't) uber-rich and able to buy the $52,000 pirate ship cubby from Posh Tots (left).

I had seen this a long time ago, and remember looking longingly at some of the other beautiful, yet sublimely ridiculous cubby houses on the site. The Babble blog reminded me today.

And oh, aren't there some amazing things on Posh Tots

The playhouses range in price from $2449 to the $52,000 Pirate Ship.  Of course there's also an option to buy a $122,730 outdoor kids play gym/ centre (right). Not for me thanks! If Little O wants to play on that kind of equipment I'll take her to the park!

The other expensive but rather cool looking cubby house is the Crooked House (yes as seen on John and Kate Plus 8).   They start at $1449.00 from the Crooked House website - and are available through other retailers, as listed on the site.  You can even have one customised.  

Poor little O may never have a cubby house, as her Dad and I aren't really live in the suburbs with a big yard kind of people. We're more like live in Sydney with a courtyard kind of people.

She does have this Haba Room tent (left)... which I got from  It wasn't super cheap at $206, but it sure is cheaper than the options above!

It's beautifully made and she and the little friends who visit love to sit in it, play in it, lie in it, read in it... I see many years of use for the indoor always available never full of dirt or bugs option we've chosen.

There is a smaller play tent which is pretty darn cute too.  Oh, and they make a boys version...

Land of Nod have a cheaper option again - along the same lines as the Haba Tent. At just $99 it's a bargain! Though I will note it's an extra $49 for the pillow at the bottom of the tent...

There are loads of other options available these were just a few of my favourites!

Happy playing
xo S

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